Syrup and Candy: Reloaded: Elixir and Drugs: The Experince
Summer 2024, 93.6 Events of Summer

Events are on our Instagram. 

The bible is here

TAG @ The Tank
Ongoing since Fall 2023

TAG is an artist-led collaboration group. We workshop new material, hear from guest speakers, and participate in group-led talks/discussions about collaboration. TAG is a place to foster new connections with other theater artists, develop new plays, and form a community. It’s really fun!

Loose Teeth
Winter 2024

by Kat Collin
directed by Hanna Yurfest

A staged reading

DD and BB are just like any other sisters. They love to play and braid each other’s hair. But the woman upstairs is getting angrier. And their teeth are getting looser. And is someone new observing them? No, he's just there to give them some advice. Growing up doesn't mean everything unravels, does it?

Featuring Anna Aubry, Coco McNeil, Nathan Malin, Rachel Mikita, and Spencer Evett!
Summer 2023

by Kallan Dana
directed by Hanna Yurfest

A staged reading

Nora loves Patti Smith. Nora is Patti Smith. Nora is stoned out of her mind in the Chelsea Hotel, no, the Chelsea Hotel is her mind, actually, the Chelsea Hotel is an out-of-use portable classroom in the Pacific Northwest, but that portable is a breeding ground for lobsters young women.

Featuring Annie Fang, Coco McNeil, Spencer Evett, Haley Wong, Khandis Merritt, Michael Valladares!

Syrup and Candy New Plays
Summer 2022

8 new play readings.

Work by Elliot Schiff, Shea Leavis, Kallan Dana, Eli Newell, Phanésia Pharel, Kimille Howard, Matt Clyne, Hanna Yurfest, Sarah Grace Goldman, Julliette Holliday, Salwa Meghjee, Mehrnaz Tiv, Jasmine B. Gunter, Cara Hihn, Maggie Rothberg, and Erica Schnitzer


Past Projects ︎